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Forums: Index > Help desk > I need 11eyes the sin damnation and atonement girl guide to unlock all CG's

i've tried lots of times for choosing. but i couldn't get full 100% cg, since translation is not full, I having difficult to choosing the actions, please help :)

  • You can pretty much collect all the CG by going through all the routes, try all choices available and watch all the CrossVision scenes. The routes are fairly simple. The main route branch is on Oct 11 where Takahisa asks who you like. Choose your heroine from that point onward and you're set. Be mindful a bit though, before you get to this part, for Yuka you have to choose "I love Yuka" when she calls (around the beginning of the game), for Yukiko you have to deny that choice and choose to walk her home and for Kukuri you have to deny the girls at both points, then choose "Don't do it" on Nov 1 when she asks you to kill her. The rest is watching H-CGs and Bad Ends. Be sure to save a lot so you don't lose any decisive checkpoints.